Optimize data in Google Analytics

Analyze your Optimize experiment data in Analytics.
Your Optimize experiment data is available in Google Analytics. This article describes where to find your Optimize data in Analytics and what you can do with it.

Access Optimize data in Analytics

In addition to reports in Optimize, you can also see Optimize data in Google Analytics. The easiest way to do this is to click the View report in Google Analytics link in the experiment information panel, on the right of the experiment details page.
You can also access Optimize data in Analytics by selecting Reporting > Behavior > Experiments. Access to Analytics reports is controlled by Analytics permissions.

Experiment dimensions in Analytics

Optimize experiments populate three experiment dimensions in Analytics:
  1. Experiment ID
  2. Experiment Name
  3. Variant
The Experiment ID is generated by Optimize when experiment is started. It can be viewed in the experiment information panel on the experiment details page. The Variant's value is an index where the Original equals 0, the first variant equals 1, and so on.
Experiment dimensions are available as secondary dimensions in most standard Analytics reports and can be used in both custom reports and segments.

Experiment dimension scope

Experiment dimensions are session-scoped. However – unlike most session-scoped dimensions – if a user is included in multiple experiments in the same session, the experiment dimensions will have multiple values that don’t overwrite the others. The experiment dimension values will be set on all Experiment Sessions.

Experiment dimensions in custom reports

Experiment dimensions are available as secondary dimensions in most standard reports and can be used in both custom reports and segments. When an experiment dimension is included in the report configuration (as a primary/secondary dimension, in the custom report configuration, or as an inline Advanced Filter), the Sessions metric will be populated by Experiment Sessions.

Use Analytics segments to analyze experiment data

As previously mentioned, Optimize experiments populate three dimensions in Google Analytics: Experiment ID, Experiment Name, and Variant. These dimensions are available for use in Google Analytics segments.
To build a segment that includes all experiment sessions, use a Condition-based segment, filtered for the Experiment ID or Experiment Name. An example is below. As is true for all Analytics segments, if you include Users instead of Sessions, all Sessions for the user in the date range will be returned as long as one Session was part of the desired experiment.
Use Analytics segments to analyze experiment data – screenshot 1
If you want your segment to include all experiment sessions for a particular variant within a particular experiment, you must use a Sequence-based segment. This segment should have a single step with filters for Experiment ID (or Experiment Name) AND Variant.
Use Analytics segments to analyze experiment data - screenshot 2
Filters within a single step in a Sequence-based segment must be met in a single Analytics hit, which is why this is the recommended method. If you utilize a Condition-based segment with Experiment ID and Variant filters, you’ll end up seeing data from all sessions in that experiment ID and all variants across multiple experiments, as these types of segments do not require that both filter criteria be met in the same hit.

Sampling in Google Analytics

While the data you see in Optimize isn’t sampled, you might see sampled data in Google Analytics. Optimize experiments populate in the Analytics Experiments section of the linked Analytics View, and this report may be sampled at the levels indicated by your Analytics contract. Sampling is more common if you include Today’s date or overlay a segment on the report.
To access unsampled data, Analytics 360 users can request an unsampled report from the Analytics Experiments reports.

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