About Optimize

Tailor your site to optimize each and every user experience.
Every user is unique and your website should address their individual tastes. Optimize enables you to run website experiments to determine the optimal experience for each group of users.

What is Optimize?

Optimize allows you to test variants of web pages and see how they perform against an objective that you specify. Optimize monitors the performance of your experiment and tells you which variant is the leader. To get started, set up Optimize and add the Optimize snippet to your website. Then, use the Optimize visual editor to create your first experiment.

Benefits of testing

By running experiments in Optimize, you can test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors. Instead of relying on instinct and opinion to determine the best page or site design, you can run an experiment that tests alternate designs with real-world users and get results that are simple to read and understand. Optimize leverages the power of Analytics by measuring all experiments natively with Analytics, allowing you to use your existing goals and metrics as experiment objectives. What's more, you can serve experiments to specific groups of users that you've defined as Audiences in Analytics.

Who should test

Anyone who creates content or designs website experiences can benefit from testing. Marketers can run experiments on landing pages to increase conversions, publishers can test how different site layouts affect stickiness, social media managers can experiment with different sharing strategies, and designers can test new website designs.

Experiment types

Optimize offers several types of experiments designed the suit most users.

A/B tests

An A/B test, sometimes called an A/B/n test, is a randomized experiment using two or more variant of the same web page (A and B). Variant A is the original. Variants B through n each contain at least one element that is modified from the original, for example, a different colored call-to-action button. In some experiments, variant B may be a completely different version of a web page.

Redirect tests

A redirect test, (a.k.a. split URL test), is a type of A/B test that allows you to test separate web pages against each other. In redirect tests variants are identified by URL or path instead of an element(s) on the page. Redirect tests are useful when you want to test two very different landing pages, or a complete redesign of a page.

Multivariate tests (MVT)

A multivariate test (MVT) tests variants of two or more elements simultaneously to see which combination creates the best outcome. Instead of showing which page variant is most effective (as in an A/B test), MVT identifies the most effective variant of each element as well as analyzing the interactions between those elements. MVT tests are great for optimizing multiple aspects of a landing page, for example.

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